Author's Corner

Agatha Bobblesbee
The MacGyver of the Great Outdoors
Ms. Agatha Bobblesbee is an author, illustrator, conservationist and world renown expert in the study of the elusive blue panda bear. A fan of the written word, all creatures large and small, Ms. Bobblesbee enjoys storytelling, sleuthing and hiking in the hill and dale.
Many know Agatha as the MacGyver of the Great Outdoors, for her uncanny ability to extricate herself from precarious and ultimately dangerous situations. For Agatha, a pencil isn’t simply a pencil. It is a climbing wedge, a tent stake and a compass needle. Her adventures in the great outdoors are legendary. She is currently working on a book series that details her adventures in the wild — trekking after rare creatures. Be on the lookout for Agatha's outdoor journals and more stories with Mebo the blue panda bear and his friends, Spec and Zeppo.
Ms. Bobblesbee resides in the sunny countryside, where she can be found trekking through the woodlands in search of the elusive flying bear.